Mohamad Ridwan

Mohamad Ridwan

The best word to describe Mr. Nurdin Hidayah is passionate. I have worked with him for almost 8 years as a colleague and recently he is still one of the best sales and marketing lecturers in my department. He is unceasing energy when it comes to reform education to make it an authentic and meaningful experience for his students and also for communities in STP NHI Bandung. I continue to be expressed with his ability when he built approach in finding lecturing method to the students which had been applied by other colleagues, and also for his research methodology is hardly reliable. I hope for other succession in his promising career.


Foto Mohamad Ridwan
Mohamad Ridwan, S.ST. Par., M.M.Head of Recreation & Leisure DepartmentSTP NHI BandungIndonesia